Friday, September 23, 2016

Classmates Blogs

Everyone in my Family Relations class is also writing a blog about the family! I want to share their links as well so you can enjoy their work. We all have different opinions on the view of the family, and these are all just some of those opinions! Please respect their opinions as we respect yours! Thank you so much and please enjoy.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

A Little About Myself

My Family and I

My name is Nathan Adamson and I am from Moline, Illinois. My father and mother are Jamie and Denise, and my two younger siblings are Becca and Drew. Family is very important to me. I haven't seen my family in almost 9 months and I miss them dearly. 

I served a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Las Vegas, Nevada. I left in December 4th, 2013 and got back home December 1st, 2015. I learned so much from serving others for 2 straight years. I fell in love with the city of Las Vegas, but more importantly, I fell in love with the people. I met people that I will never forget. One of the best feelings in the world is to help someone grow closer to Jesus Christ and completely change their life. One example of the joy I felt was during my last week of my mission. I went to surprise someone who I taught in my first few months as a missionary because I was getting ready to go home. I will keep her name anonymous, but we will name her Sarah for this story. Between the time of me last seeing Sarah, and when I went to visit her, she had lost her husband through death and stopped going to church. She was having a very hard time, but I wasn't aware of these things. I remember knocking on her door and hearing the door open, but I couldn't see her through the dark screen door. She said "who is it?" and before I could respond, I hear her say "Oh my goodness." She opens the screen door and grabs me for a hug. She held me and cried for over a minute. I had never felt so much love for a person in my life. I still haven't been able to talk to her since that day, but I can't wait to see her again. She will forever be a friend of mine. That's just one small example of a person I was lucky enough to associate with.

As you can tell, I love writing about experiences. I already have a blog that you may check out and it's about how my experiences in life shaped me into who I am today. This specific blog here is for my Family Relations class though. Feel free to check out both! For this specific blog I am going to be writing about what we discuss in class each week and what I think and feel. I've enjoyed blogging so far for the small amount of time that I've been doing it. I'm excited to continue blogging for this course! I hope you all enjoy! Check out my other blog as well!