Saturday, September 17, 2016

A Little About Myself

My Family and I

My name is Nathan Adamson and I am from Moline, Illinois. My father and mother are Jamie and Denise, and my two younger siblings are Becca and Drew. Family is very important to me. I haven't seen my family in almost 9 months and I miss them dearly. 

I served a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Las Vegas, Nevada. I left in December 4th, 2013 and got back home December 1st, 2015. I learned so much from serving others for 2 straight years. I fell in love with the city of Las Vegas, but more importantly, I fell in love with the people. I met people that I will never forget. One of the best feelings in the world is to help someone grow closer to Jesus Christ and completely change their life. One example of the joy I felt was during my last week of my mission. I went to surprise someone who I taught in my first few months as a missionary because I was getting ready to go home. I will keep her name anonymous, but we will name her Sarah for this story. Between the time of me last seeing Sarah, and when I went to visit her, she had lost her husband through death and stopped going to church. She was having a very hard time, but I wasn't aware of these things. I remember knocking on her door and hearing the door open, but I couldn't see her through the dark screen door. She said "who is it?" and before I could respond, I hear her say "Oh my goodness." She opens the screen door and grabs me for a hug. She held me and cried for over a minute. I had never felt so much love for a person in my life. I still haven't been able to talk to her since that day, but I can't wait to see her again. She will forever be a friend of mine. That's just one small example of a person I was lucky enough to associate with.

As you can tell, I love writing about experiences. I already have a blog that you may check out and it's about how my experiences in life shaped me into who I am today. This specific blog here is for my Family Relations class though. Feel free to check out both! For this specific blog I am going to be writing about what we discuss in class each week and what I think and feel. I've enjoyed blogging so far for the small amount of time that I've been doing it. I'm excited to continue blogging for this course! I hope you all enjoy! Check out my other blog as well!

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